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Common Fears About Social Security and How to Mitigate Them

One of the most significant fears many aging Americans face is that Social Security retirement benefits will disappear. With continuous news about potential solvency issues, sustainability concerns, and funding concerns, it’s no surprise that apprehensions are often heightened. This article aims to reduce these anxieties by discussing common questions related to fears about Social Security.

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5 401(k) Facts You May Not Know

A 401(k) is a retirement savings plan sponsored by an employer that allows workers to save and invest a portion of their paycheck before taxes are taken out. While many individuals may be familiar with the basics of this popular retirement savings vehicle, some lesser-known features and details could significantly impact your long-term savings strategy. Here are some 401(k) facts you may not know.

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A Recap: Significant 2024 Retirement Savings Changes

The landscape of retirement savings in the United States is experiencing crucial changes following newly enacted legislative changes for 2024. These updates and reforms seek to enhance the flexibility of retirement savings accounts. They also seek to transform how Americans save and prepare for retirement. Here are some of the more significant changes this year.

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Politics, Elections, and Your Retirement Savings

To truly grasp how politics and elections may impact retirement savings, it’s necessary to consider multiple dimensions. Elections, policy changes, geopolitical events, and even political rhetoric can influence economic activities, indirectly affecting the financial markets. Therefore, understanding the correlation between these domains is critical. And necessary in making informed decisions regarding elections and your retirement savings. Here are the areas that may be impacted.

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5 Tips to Save Money During Back-to-School Season

The back-to-school season can be an expensive affair for families. Purchasing new backpacks, school supplies, clothes, and other necessities can significantly dent the family budget. However, you can effectively navigate this potentially costly period by implementing strategic planning and a few money-saving tactics while covering all your children’s needs. Here are five tips to save money during the back-to-school season.

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7 Smart Strategies to Pay Off Your Mortgage Ahead of Schedule

You as a homeowner may strive to pay off your mortgage ahead of schedule. This goal gives them the confidence that comes with owning their home outright and can save them significant money in interest payments over the long term. Here are seven smart strategies to work toward this goal.

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Planning for the Future: Estate Planning for Young Families

Traditionally associated with older people or wealthy families, estate planning may seem like something not for young families. However, it is an essential financial strategy that every young family should consider. Early planning can provide financial independence and security for your loved ones, ensuring that your assets and possessions are distributed according to your wishes after death.

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How to Prep Your Finances for a Last-Minute Summer Vacation

Summer vacation is a time of relaxation and fun. But sometimes, our plans can change abruptly, and we find ourselves planning a last-minute trip. Preparing your finances for this sudden expenditure is essential to avoid financial stress and enjoy your vacation fully. Here’s how you can prep your finances for a last-minute summer vacation:

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Critical IRS Update: Understanding 2025 Revenue Proposals

The IRS regularly introduces modifications to tax laws, and understanding them and their potential aftermath is crucial. One of the critical IRS update for 2025 may impact estate planning, those who inherit, and the amount of taxes to be paid.

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Smart Money Moves: Financial Tips for Building Your Vacation Fund

An escapade to an exotic getaway or a relaxing vacation provides an opportunity for rejuvenation. However, these leisure vacations often come with a price tag.  Read more for how to take steps to begin building your vacation fund.

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