Serenity Retirement


2024 Tax Season Updates and Tips

Filing your 2024 taxes can be simple when you’re prepared. When you understand recent changes in tax laws to determine which tax credits and deductions you’re eligible to take.

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Spring Cleaning Your Finances: How to Declutter Your Financial Life

As we welcome the spring season and start decluttering our homes, it’s also an excellent opportunity for cleaning your finances. Spring cleaning your finances involves reviewing, reorganizing, and eliminating unnecessary financial clutter to make your money management more efficient.

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The Psychology of Spending: Mindful Money Habits

Understanding the psychology of spending is crucial in today’s consumer-driven society. On the surface, our consumption habits are about fulfilling needs or wants.

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Understanding Sustainable Investing and ESG

Sustainable investing and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing enables one to participate as stewards of the planet and its inhabitants by leveraging environmental, social, and governance factors when they invest. The primary goal of the ESG investment is profit, but the impact must benefit beneficiaries for it to be tagged as an ESG investment.

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7 Tips to Help Couples Build a Financial Future Together

Planning for and building a financial future as a couple is crucial to a life together. It reflects good financial management skills and is vital in strengthening the bond of trust and understanding in a relationship.

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How to Get Organized for Tax Season

It’s that time of the year again when taxpayers must organize their finances, prepare their paperwork, and file their annual tax returns. Getting organized for tax season may seem challenging, but with the proper planning and tools, it can be manageable—even easy. This article shares some valuable tips for preparing to navigate tax season appropriately.

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President’s Day- Financial Lessons from Past U.S. Presidents

On a day dedicated to acknowledging the services of our nation’s past presidents, it’s also an opportunity to glean key financial lessons from their experiences and practices retrospectively.

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Financial Wellness: How to Show Your Finances Some Self-Love

In the quest for wellness- physical and mental- it is easy to overlook an equally fundamental aspect of our lives: financial wellness.

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The Economic Impact of Valentine’s Day

Each year, love and commerce converge for the holiday known as Valentine’s Day. Not merely a day of expressing love and affection, Valentine’s Day is now a substantial economic event that impacts various sectors worldwide. In this article, we can delve into the economic impact of Valentine’s Day and the industry that surrounds it.

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Financial Resolutions Check-in: Are You Making Progress?

As we navigate the year, we must pause and reflect on our progress, particularly concerning the New Year’s resolutions and financial resolutions we set at the beginning of the year. A check-in gives us a rush of accomplishment, a clearer understanding of our goals, and a rejuvenated drive to work toward them.

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